The Southbank Centre, in London’s Embankment area, commissioned me to photograph their Winter Lights installations for their PR, marketing, and archive materials. The installations were part of their Winter Festival and were created by a variety of artists and are scattered across the Southbank Centre estate: some in the trees lining the walk along the Thames, some inside the building itself, such as the red ‘sphere’ (actually a huge red circular light that rotates to create a sphere in long exposures). The shoot took around two hours in total, starting just before twilight set in so that we could keep some colour in the sky.
You can find more examples of my PR and marketing commissions here, and to request a quote just get in touch here.
Full artist credits
Sphere: Fred Tschida | Dark Heart: Conrad Shawcross | Stela: Lisa Cheung & Alex J. Tuckwood | Frederick Carder Vase Forms: Fred Tschida | Loomin: David Ogle