I was commissioned to photograph ‘Matthew Hussey Live‘ when he was in London recently doing a show at The Brewery, a multi-functional event venue near the Barbican. I’d not heard of Matthew’s work before this, but considering the subject matter (put very simply, he’s a life coach focussed on helping women navigate relationship and dating difficulties), I have to say I was much more entertained and engaged than you might think a male would be, and in fact I rather enjoyed it! It’s always a good day when you’re enjoying being at work!

I’ve shot lots of events and conferences at The Brewery recently, so I’ll make sure to add a few more to my blog so you can see how diverse a space it can be. For now, here’s some favourites of mine from Matthew Hussey Live in London. Enjoy!

By the way, if you like my photography and need an event photographer yourself you can find all the details and get in touch right here.