This year saw a lot of major conferences return to in-person events for the first time since You Know What, and I was delighted to be photographing Ravelin’s RavCon event in the Pan Pacific Hotel’s Ballroom venue, in the City of London. It was my first time shooting at the venue and I really like how they’ve used the space.
Particularly impressed with their incredible screens that are so powerful, with such high contrast, that I can shoot a person standing in front of text on a white screen and be able to expose correctly for everything with no editing tricks. This is probably something most event planners don’t even realise us photographers care about, but trust me, screens this good make shooting conferences here an absolute pleasure, I love them!
Here’s some highlights from the day, and if you’re looking for more examples of my conference photography check out this page on my website, then get in touch to check availability and request a quote.